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AJR Digital Arts (AJR+da) LLC is a digital arts company that creates projects that utilize the power of music and visual art. These projects tell compelling stories about pivotal moments and people in history as the backdrop to highlight the beauty, complexity and power of music and narration.


AJR+da encompasses three programmatic entities to be phased in gradually as the company flourishes.


Inspired by the immersive exhibits from the National Museum of African American History and Culture as well as the traveling Van Gogh exhibit, AJR+da changed the scope of its projects to include the marriage of music and visual arts to invigorate history and communicate a more vibrant narrative. This kind of exhibit has the potential to bolster offerings at history museums struggling to attract exciting, interactive exhibitions for their patrons.


  • Mus[ic]Docs (music documentaries) use fully immersive (360-degree) art to tell stories of historic figures and pivotal moments in history. These 20-25 minute, traveling exhibits are created for art/history museums in mid to large-sized cities, colleges, and universities.
    [Phase I – Fall 2026]


Music and art therapy are proven techniques deemed to have effective results for people living with memory loss and autism. Exhibits created in collaboration with art and music therapists are poised to impact those living with Dementia and Autism. Although these exhibits are viable for traditional museum settings, it is important for AJR+da to make these exhibits more accessible for maximum impact. Therefore, these exhibits will be targeted to assisted living facilities, schools, and hospitals.


  • AI: Arts Impact uses immersive art in collaboration with art and music therapy. Full immersive exhibits created for art/history and children’s museums. Traveling exhibits with tempered hues and music created for assisted living facilities with Dementia and memory loss units as well as schools with Autism centered curricula/classrooms
    [Phase II – Fall 2027]


The online landscape changed in the blink of an eye in March 2020. Organizations were abruptly compelled to move programming online to realize modicum visibility while sacrificing normal monetization of their programming. It seems for the first time in modern history, the need for online programming outpaced the tech capacity of most small to midsized organizations.


AJR+da is primed to be the predominant repository and streaming platform/service for small to mid-sized performing and visual arts organizations. AJR+da offers the means to provide quality programming, and better/broader exposure for arts organizations to the online consumer. Patrons can stream performances, podcasts, oral histories, and other audio/visual presentations through a subscription service.


This service also provides residual income for partner arts organizations. Partner organizations pay a nominal yearly fee based on 3% of the organization’s budget. Partner organizations receive a percentage of the subscription sales and individual views based on the amount of their yearly contribution.


  • Arts Stream takes the creative ingenuity of small to mid-sized, visual, and performing arts organizations and positions them to maximize the potential of an ever-expanding digital landscape. This pay-to-stream service serves as a repository of great performances and oral histories. to includes a Great Preachers Series, Regional Oral History Projects, and Podcasts.
    [Phase III – Fall 2028]

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